(Rear) Kayaba RS Ultra Honda HRV HR-V RV Rv4 2022 - ON Absorber Set KYB 1.5T 1.5 Turbo

(Rear) Kayaba RS Ultra Honda HRV HR-V RV Rv4 2022 - ON Absorber Set KYB 1.5T 1.5 Turbo

Category: Shock Absorber

20 cm (Length) x 70 cm (Width) x 10 cm (Height)

3 months warranty - leaking only

The RS Ultra is the latest in shock absorber technology, designed to suit the very tough of road conditions. Its ride and handling is superb and you are assured of a comfortable ride even in the toughest of terrains. When it is in braking mode it reduces nose diving eliminating pitch and roll.

The RS Ultra is made of hardened chrome with various diameter piston rod which results in superior strenght. This in turn, maximises performance under extreme conditions. The RS Ultra is micro smooth in its function and with its hardened chrome piston rods, it provides longer seal life thus its reliability surpass expectations. Its sintered iron pistons and guide rods, further extends its durability. Its self sealed packing keeps oil in and contaminants out while its seamless cyclinders and eye rings eliminate weak points and seams failures thus ensuring durability, reliability and optimum performance.

✅Honda HR-V RV / RV4 1.5T '22-ON

Price per pair or complete

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